Friday, 20 May 2011


好, 就应某个人的要求, 我就试一下写华文的blog..:]
真的很生气! 遇到一个超及没礼貌的华裔女生, 年龄没和我相差很多, 但也到了懂事的年龄. 就只是轻轻碰到她的bag, 她就很激动地破口大骂! 甚至还骂 '3字经'! 还不够, 还要来个英文版的! 我想她的皮肤应该是和她的bag黏在一起了所以一旦被人碰一下就会有感觉, 感到痛! oh, please! 身为华裔,我真的为她感到羞耻! 真的很没有教养! 如果她是读华校的, 那就白白浪费了老师们的心血! 我是出自于华校的所以我知道华校的老师都很注重道德教育. 这件事让我发觉到现在的孩子都很没有礼貌! 就连一些基本礼貌都不懂! 难道是父母亲没给予教导? 还是其他的原因? 不管怎么样, 都长得这么大了, 连基本礼貌都不懂,真的是很过分lo! 真的很难想象她的下一代会是什么样子!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

How to create custom ringtones for iPhone 4

I know that there are some people still wondering how to create custom ring tones for iPhone 4 right? ok maybe many of you have already know the way, so just for those who don't know how to create your own ring tones for your iPhone 4, you can check this out, here , the steps shown are actually very easy so hmm hope this helps.. =)

Laughing Baby~

ok, I know this video was posted long time ago on youtube and now only I post at here..but the baby is soooooo adorable!!..I'll laugh as well when watching the baby laughed!!..lolx..ohh soooo cute!!!~xD


I don't understand why there’s ALWAYS traffic congestion or traffic jam in KL! Not because of any of the reasons that you can think of. You'll always find out that, ridiculously there's nothing in front and start to wonder how can those people 'create' the traffic congestion?!..besides, what's HIGHWAY??..Highway is expected to reduce the traffic congestion right? But how come the highway here can have traffic jam with the UNKNOWN reason that I mentioned just now??!!..zz..

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

'K virus'?!..

Recently I’m influenced by people around me i.e my friends and getting addicted to any things that related to Korea..Starting from Korean variety shows to dramas, Korean fashion to their food…Besides, I’m also trying to learn Hangul from my friends and other resources. mom got shocked at this! And she’s always asking me how come I can understand what are the people saying in the shows or dramas when I was watching the variety shows or dramas??.. (she didn’t know there’s subtitle~ haha)..ahhh I’ve already kena the so called ‘k virus’.. (this is what I call it by, it’s a good thing..x)

Viva Home

Today I went Viva Home with my parents. Viva Home is a lifestyle shopping centre that’s mostly selling home products. However, you can also find some other outlets, cinema and hypermarket (Giant) over there. Because it’s lunch time when we reached there, so we decided to have lunch before walking around in the mall. Many of the stalls haven’t opened yet as it’s still very new. There were not much restaurants let us to choose and mom likes local food (especially Chinese cuisine) so we had our lunch at Boston. Overall the food is quite nice.
I could only take pictures on what I’d ordered as my parents have already started to eat at that time and sorry for my lousy photography skill..xp


Thor..Watched this movie with my friends. In this movie, Thor is sent to the Earth with all of his power taken away by his father Odin as the punishment of starting a fight with the Frost Giants which causes a war to begin. Then the story shows the experiences of Thor on the Earth and how’d he regain the power and return to Asgard when his brother, Loki, who intends to be the new king, sends the Destroyer to the Earth to kill Thor. After that the story shows how’d Thor stop Loki’s plan and the ending of Loki. Ok, what I can say is that the plot is really small and narrow-minded. I’m disappointed with this. However, there’re some humorous scenes and something that attracts me—the good looking Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and the beautiful Jane (Natalie Portman) I would give 3/5 for this movie. Here’s the trailer..